Body Corporate Management
Every real estate investor desires a satisfactory income from their properties without the inconvenience of having to manage and attend to it.
Topaz Properties understands that the effect management of sectional title schemes and body corporates directly affect people’s lives, homes and property values, that is why we are dedicated to providing tailor-made sectional title and body corporate management services that cater to all the special needs your complex may have.
At Topaz we offer our expertise and personalized techniques of managing your property. Our management concept is founded on professionalism, integrity, accountability and quality service that guarantees the maximum return on your investment while maintaining your property at the highest standards to attract the best tenants possible. Topaz offers property management services for residential properties all over Gauteng, with over 15 years of industry experience, specialist systems and professional staff, we are market leaders in body corporate management and offer complete body corporate management services that meet all your unique needs. We offer a comprehensive range of sectional title management and administration services to body corporates sectional title property owners and sectional title trustees for body corporates and property owners. Because of our comprehensive tenant assessment and property management systems, we deliver peace of mind to both owners and tenants.
We are fully registered with the Property Practitioners Regulatory Authority (PPRA) and National Association of Managing Agents (NAMA), and all Topaz’s portfolio managers have completed a UCT Sectional Title and Property Management course, and you will have the personal attention of an entire team from Topaz to manage your account.
Our main objective is to meet the property owner’s requirements in providing a stable and secure environment and to provide a professional property management service to owners of a sectional title scheme.
We will take care of all your needs with regards to sectional title management and property management.
Our property managements services includes:
Levy Collection:
Sending out monthly levy statements to the owners.
Collection of all levies and other charges due to the Body Corporate.
Collection and payment of CSOS levies.
Handing over of home owners for non-payment of levies to the debt collection
agency and attorneys and the following up thereof.
Financial Management:
Payment of salaries and wages of staff employed by the Body Corporate.
Payment of all municipal accounts, creditors, suppliers, and any other accounts as
approved by the Board of Trustees.
Preparation and submission of monthly financial reports, including performance to budget, balance sheet, levy roll, customer age analysis, and credit control reports,
surplus report, investment account, bank statement(s).
Annual audit preparation.
Preparation of the Annual Budget of Income and Expenditure.
Completion and submission of most statutory returns.
Surplus funds invested in call accounts to maximize interest earnings.
Managing of the trust bank accounts on behalf of the Board of Trustees.
Administration, Secretarial and Advisory Services:
- Preparation and circulation of notices for General Meeting.
- Arranging and attending trustee meetings where necessary and one Annual General Meeting (AGM) per annum.
- Arranging, attending and taking minutes for trustee meetings.
- Sending out minutes within 14 days of the meetings to all relevant parties.
- Preparation and issuing of Clearance Certificates.
- Maintenance of statutory and permanent records.
- Arranging insurance for the Body Corporate and submission and follow up of any insurance claims.
- Management of insurance claims on behalf of the Body Corporate.
Maintenance Management:
- Assisting the trustees with all maintenance issues and submission of quotes to the Board of Trustees.
- Obtaining prior written approval for repairs of Common Property by the Board of Trustees.
- Allocating approved repair work to approved sub-contractors.
Professional team:
- A dedicated team consisting of an experienced Residential Property Portfolio Manager, assisted by a Debtors Clerk and Bookkeeper will be assigned to manage all aspects of your property management service requirements.